The 3-year Bachelor of Laws (LLB) is the UK undergraduate law degree course.
One of our senior tutors will be happy to discuss your personal needs with you free of cost.
There is a full range of compulsory core subjects undertaken during the qualifying period of this course in all law schools and universities.
All LLB students will cover the seven core subjects:
Contract Law
Criminal Law
Equity and Trusts
EU Law
Land Law
Public/ Constitutional and Administrative Law
These core subjects are in turn supplemented by optional subjects presented as course modules. This creates differently structured courses amongst the various schools of law and universities.
The specialist subjects offered include:
Administrative Law
Banking Law
Contract Law
Criminal Law
Company Law
Employment Law
English Legal System
Equity and Trusts
Family Law
Intellectual Property
International Law
Medical Law
Property Law
Tort Law

For a free consultation, kindly call us on 0207 088 8468 or send us a quick email to: