*** Over several years, our team has successfully specialised in one-to-one training and preparation of individuals for the solicitors’ exams for the GDL (The General Diploma in Law), the LPC (Legal Practice Certificate) exams, as well as the QLTS (the cross qualifying exams for foreign lawyers).
*** We have developed a tried and tested method of structured training for lawyers, which has helped several new entrants to the profession, to excel not only in their exams but also in their profession.
*** OUR TRAINING is unique. It is delivered in a “boutique setting”, in-house as well as online.
We deliver individual training, as opposed to delivering training in large groups, where most legal trainees get lost, feel embarrassed to ask necessary questions or there is not sufficient time to interact with the legal trainer.
This simply means that we never have more than 4 (FOUR) students at any time in a tutorial.
This is to ensure that you get the maximum amount of training and guidance: Legal analysis; procedure; advocacy; document management; legal reading and research. This, we feel is essential and fundamental to first class legal training. This will ensure that you develop and master legal skills and acquire confidence going forward, in your career.
Furthermore, we will endeavour to see that any student who struggles, receives one to one tutorial so that they are not left behind.
These will be attended by no more than 30 (THIRTY) students at any given time so that questions can always be taken by the lecturer at the end of any lecture at least 30 minutes will be allowed for questions from students.
Excel Legal Education Ltd. has been delivering one-to-one method of tuition for years with the experience of having tutored students from all the law schools for the LPC and QLTS exams, with consistent and excellent results. Whether clients come to us prior to sitting exams or after having tried and failed…. we always deliver the best services and results for our clients.
We are invested in the outcome WITH our clients.
We are now accepting applicants for training, who wish to start training for both these exams:
Upcoming dates for sitting SQE1:
Functioning Legal Knowledge 1: 15,16, 17, 18, 19 July 2024 - Pearson VUE locations
Functioning Legal knowledge 2: 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 July 2024 - Pearson VUE locations
First day of assessment window: 15 July 2024*
Functioning Legal Knowledge 1: 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 January 2025
Functioning Legal knowledge 2: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 January 2025
First day of assessment window: 13 January 2025
* Please note that although the SRA do not expect this date to change, this is indicative and will be confirmed closer to the date.
Booking closing date
Booking for SQE1 closes approximately five weeks before the assessment sitting.
For up-to-date information, please refer to the SRA timings page:
When you can take the SQE | SQE | Solicitors Regulation Authority (
N.B. Full syllabus will be given upon registration.
Kindly see overview below, which we encourage you to read as well as all the links provided, especially those dealing with the accepted qualification for admittance to SQE1.
Essentially, a holder of any first degree will be accepted or anyone with the relevant qualifying work experience as specified.

Below is an overview provided by the SRA of the exam specification complete with the areas of law we will cover with you, for exam preparation.
For full information, please visit the SRA's SQ1 assessment specifications:
SQE1 Assessment specification | SQE | Solicitors Regulation Authority (
Guidance on the SQE1 Assessment Specification
Overview of SQE1 assessments
The two SQE1 Functioning Legal Knowledge (FLK) assessments comprise the following subject areas:
Business Law and Practice; Dispute Resolution; Contract; Tort; Legal System of England and Wales; Constitutional and Administrative Law and EU Law and Legal Services (FLK 1).
Property Practice; Wills and the Administration of Estates; Solicitors Accounts; Land Law; Trusts; Criminal Law and Practice (FLK 2).
Within each of the above FLK assessments, questions may draw on any combination of the subject areas which might be encountered in practice.
Ethics and Professional Conduct will be examined pervasively across the two assessments above.
Principles of taxation will be examined only in the context of:
Business Law and Practice
Property Law and Practice
Wills and the Administration of Estates
Below subject areas are grouped within two sections giving details of each of the two FLK assessments. For each area, assessment objectives are set out, followed by the knowledge of law and practice which candidates are expected to apply in order to answer the questions.
Functioning Legal Knowledge
The depth and breadth of knowledge of English and Welsh law required of candidates is that of functioning legal knowledge. This means that candidates must apply their knowledge of the law to demonstrate the competences required to the level of a newly qualified solicitor of England and Wales.
The core legal principles and rules a candidate will be asked to apply are identified by subject area below. A candidate should be able to apply these fundamental legal principles and rules appropriately and effectively at the level required of a competent newly qualified solicitor in practice, to realistic client-based and ethical problems and situations. Each single best answer question is followed by five possible answers. Candidates should mark only one answer for each question.
The SQE1 FLK assessments are closed book. The questions in the assessments are designed to test the application of fundamental legal principles which can be expected of a newly qualified solicitor of England and Wales without reference to books and notes. They are not designed to test matters of detail which a newly qualified solicitor would be expected to look up.
Candidates will be tested on the law as it stands at the date of the assessment. They will not be assessed on the development of the law.
The relationship between the Statement of Solicitor Competence (SoSC) and the legal principles and rules which candidates must know and apply is indicated at Annex 3. In the FLK assessments, candidates will be tested at level 3 of the Threshold Standard - ie that of the newly qualified solicitor – as set out in Annex 6.
Application of Legal Principles and Rules
The following illustrations of the range of question style used to test the FLK are not intended to be exhaustive:
A question may require the candidate to both identify and apply a fundamental legal principle or rule.
A question may identify the relevant legal principle or rule and require the candidate to identify how it should be properly applied, and/or the outcome of that proper application.
A candidate may be required to demonstrate that they understand whether a client can legally achieve a desired outcome and offer appropriate explanatory advice.
Where the legal result of a client's action is already established by the question, the candidate may be required to identify why the application of a legal principle or rule produces that result in law and/or what the relevant legal principle or rule is.
A question may require a candidate to perform a calculation by applying rules, rates, percentages and thresholds to identify a correct figure. For questions on taxation, candidates will be expected to remember certain thresholds and rates of tax and to be aware of the availability of certain reliefs and exemptions where these have been part of the UK tax system for a considerable period. However, within the UK tax system, many rates and thresholds and some exemptions and reliefs are subject to adjustment, introduction or removal by successive Budgets, and for those, the figures required to work out an answer to any tax calculation would normally be provided.
Published sample questions will provide examples of the style of questions which may be used to test the candidate's ability to apply the fundamental legal principles and rules that are set out in this assessment specification.
Legal Authorities
On occasion in legal practice a case name or statutory provision, for example, is the term normally used to describe a legal principle or an area of law, or a rule or procedural step (eg Rylands v Fletcher, CPR Part 36, Section 25 notice). In such circumstances, candidates are required to know and be able to use such case names, statutory provisions etc. In all other circumstances candidates are not required to recall specific case names, or cite statutory or regulatory authorities.
Subject matter
The FLK assessments for SQE1 will sample from the content indicated in this assessment specification. A blueprint is provided at Annex 3.
Ethics and professional conduct
Candidates are required to demonstrate their ability to act honestly and with integrity, and in accordance with the SRA Standards and Regulations as follows:
The purpose, scope and content of the SRA Principles
The purpose, scope and content of the Code of Conduct, which consists of:
SRA Code of Conduct for Solicitors, RELs and RFLs
SRA Code of Conduct for Firms in relation to:
Managers in authorised firms
Compliance Officers.
Together referred to as the Code of Conduct.
See SoSC (A1) at Annex 1.
Ethics and professional conduct will be examined across all subject areas.
FLK assessment 1: Business Law and Practice, Dispute Resolution, Contract, Tort, Legal System, Public Law, Legal Services
Business Law and Practice
Dispute Resolution
The Legal System
Legal Knowledge: Business Law and Practice, Dispute Resolution, Contract, Tort, Legal System, Public Law, Legal Services
FLK Assessment 2: Property Practice, Wills and the Administration of Estates, Solicitors Accounts, Land Law, Trusts, Criminal
Property Practice
Wills and the Administration of Estates
Solicitors Accounts
Land Law
Criminal Law and Practice
Legal Knowledge: Property Practice, Wills and the Administration of Estates, Solicitors Accounts, Land Law, Trusts, Criminal Law and Practice
Annex 1 – Statement of Solicitor Competence
Annex 2 – SQE Assessment Approach
Annex 3 – Assessment Objectives and Statement of Solicitor Competence mapping
Annex 4 – Functioning Legal Knowledge blueprint
Annex 5 – Overview: Statement of Solicitor Competence mapped against SQE1 Functioning Legal Knowledge
Annex 6 – Threshold Standard
For a free consultation, kindly call us on 0207 088 8468 or send us a quick email to:
One of our senior tutors will be happy to discuss your personal needs with you free of cost.